Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Better Days

The last few days have started to look a bit brighter. I've gotten replies from real people. Started laying the groundwork to hold an Unpub Mini here in town. Feeling really excited about getting some actual progress. I had a few sales this holiday season, and I am looking to ramp that up going in to the spring with at least one new release.

For the next couple weeks I'm planning prop making and costume design. Which always makes me think about my dice blade project and how I need to return to working on that and getting it done.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Feeling Stuck

So far creating my new game has been simple, my idea of getting my girlfriend involved and shooting the photos for this game has not been simple. I've had to reach out to friends, post Craigslist ads and deal with some real creepers, and generally feel like I am spinning my wheels more than I am getting somewhere.