Tuesday, February 19, 2013

We're on TV!

Got interviewed by Channel 7 news!

Coolest thing to happen to a little game developer like me. Go watch me look silly. Thanks to everyone who helped make it happen!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Wadda yah mean...?

For my Amazon game I really want to create jaw-dropping imagery with lovely, deadly looking ladies. This has left me approaching women asking them to pose in very little with very large weapons. By and large the women I have spoken with think the game sounds great and are excited about posing for it. However, the significant others in their lives have been less open-minded.

Big shock right?

I'd like all of these folks to know that I have not created and elaborate ploy to see your girlfriend, wife, significant other in her underpants. My girlfriend of over three years will be taking the photographs for this project. She is also to my endless joy, going to pose for it as well. I am completely aware that other people will see her image and they may have lusty thoughts about her. Good because she is gorgeous. I long ago came to grips with the fact that she is beautiful and lots of other people will notice this fact.

I've worked hard to make an awesome game. I continue to work hard. I've started putting together costumes and props that will be needed for the photos. Tonight I was up late making pieces of armor. I'm sure I have a few late night ahead of me. We shoot this coming weekend.

Enough said. End of rant. I forgot to take out the trash. So it's back out of this warm bed and into the cold night I go!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Amazon Update

Tomorrow is our first meet and greet with one of the models who will be working with us on Amazon Warrior Queens of the Forbidden Planet. We have lined up ten models now, with two others as maybes. So this covers me for around 20 of the 120 cards I need to make. Fortunately a few of those are gear cards and resource cards. But, I am still in what they call... dire need.

This is why wigs and masks and other costume props exist I say to myself. However, that is only going to get me so far. My current focus has to be getting a solid demo version of this game put together. In order to pitch this outside of my friend circle I need to be able to show folks what they will be helping to create.

It looks like some late nights for me. :)